A member of the Chapelfields partnership.

Picture information.

Picture A is as the inside front was in 2007.  The person at the small lectern on the left is the Rev. John Taylor who was the incumbent from 23rd February 2003 until 6th November 2009.  He resigned to take up a post in Yanchep, near Perth, Western Australia.

Picture B is the north-east interior corner of the church as it is now, since the last reordering in 1981.

Picture C is the south-east interior corner of the church as it is now, since the last reordering in 1981.  The piano in was given to the church in 2008 and is sometimes used during the Holy Communion services.

Picture D may be the one to take your interest as the question arises "How do you know it is pre-1880?"  The answer is the door that can be seen close by the base of the tree on the right.  This door was removed in 1880 when a new organ was installed in the south east corner of the church.  Also of interest are the dresses of the ladies, and the tall stovepipe hat of the gentleman.  There is conjecture that the hatless man may be a churchwarden, the lady in the hat his wife, and the man in the hat may be the curate, as they were known in those days, and the crinolined lady his wife.

The aerial picture of 1975, E, shows a set of steps close to the corner of the building, and an oblong brick structure which was removed between 1975 and 1995.  The steps were removed in 2001 because of vandalism. (See picture N) The steps led down to the boiler room.  An access to this was made from the inside of the church.  The lamp shown by the path to the far right has since been removed.

Picture F is taken from a well used angle, but this one is a little different to the others, in that there is a group of four children standing on the path close to the gate.

Picture N shows the damage to the wall surrounding the outside steps down to the boiler house, which was the final act of vandalism that led to the boiler house access being moved inside the church.  The steps had been used for several nefarious activities by the wayward youth, and even putting netting and a locked gate did not stop them.

Picture L (2007) was taken shortly after the small circular garden was replanted with plants to give year-round interest.  Notice the difference between pictures K and L.

If you look closely at the gates in P, fitted in June 2008, and the gates in F, I hope you see a slight similarity in their designs.  This was not accidental!

Picture R, taken from the South, gives a good idea of the type of area in which the church is situated, with council house estates to three sides, and terraced houses to the remaining side.  The town of Hindley is off to the West (left).

Due to requiring a new roof, lots of scaffolding had to be erected, and this was done in two stages.   Pictures T, U, V, W and X show the first stage, and Y, Z, AA and AB the full scaffolding.   Looking at ab, there can be seen an extention reaching to the perimeter wall.  The church is likely to be clad in this until March 2014 when it will be revealed in it's glory complete with the new slates.

Pictures a, b, c, k, l, o, p, q, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, aa and ab were taken by Brian Ellis.
The remainder were kindly loaned for copying for use by the church.
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